#1 What I look like?


The question is 3 adjectives that describe me: outgoing, calm and gleeful

  1. Outgoing

I am easy to intro and develop a good rapport with everyone as long as they are sincere in getting to know me. I would never choose age and position as a barrier for me to build up a new bone. I certainly believe that every religion encourages everyone to know each other.  For instance, in school I am easy to get to know teachers and students. Meanwhile in my residents area I am a good socializer with community surroundings. 

  1. Calm

Some people obviously will look miserable when they are facing challenges. Compared to myself, If I have any problems , I will solve it with relaxful and carefully. It is because I will be scared if the problem that exists will become tremendous. Calmful is one of the way for me to expose myself more mature in front of others. I don't want people measured me as a childish

  1. Gleeful

I strongly believe that, if we always feel disappointed, furious and revengeful, I will easily become old. I want to have a good look when I become old. I also desire that my skin is still flawless and brightening. In my life, if I had a problem, I will try to glad myself out as much as I can. I also easily laugh when I hear jokes. I want my beloved person surrounded me feeling cheerful. 

The only key of my happiness


  1. That's a nice photo of your family! Yes, your traits as a calm but outgoing person are obvious and I believe those are useful especially when you're a leader. I hope you will grow up to be a person who always stays true to yourself. Know your values and worth and always keep it up, Hanafi!

  2. Those are undoubtedly correct. In addition, you're a very kind person and I think you're a person who is very patient. Sometimes I wonder how you can be so patient with people's bad behaviour towards you... May Allah grant you with His Jannah.

  3. I'm agree with you, may all your characters will be last forever. Such a precious friend I'm proud to be one of your buddies hehe💕


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