

    For much of history, the mentally ill have been treated very poorly. It was believed that mental illness was caused by demonic possession, witchcraft, or an angry god. For example, in medieval times, abnormal behaviors were viewed as a sign that a person was possessed by demons. If someone was considered to be possessed, there were several forms of treatment to release spirits from the individual. The most common treatment was exorcism, often conducted by priests or other religious figures: Incantations and prayers were said over the person’s body, and she may have been given some medicinal drinks. Another form of treatment for extreme cases of mental illness was trephining: A small hole was made in the afflicted individual’s skull to release spirits from the body. Most people treated in this manner died. In addition to exorcism and trephining, other practices involved execution or imprisonment of people with psychological disorders. Still others were left to be homeless beggars. G

Negative effect of child labor towards children

      We may have heard the term "child labor" in the news or in movies. It's a crime in which children are compelled to labor from a young age. It's the equivalent of asking children to take on responsibilities such as working and fending for themselves. Certain regulations have imposed limits and limitations on children's employment. A kid is deemed appropriate to work when he or she is fifteen years old or older. Children under the age of eighteen will not be forced to engage in any sort of labor. Why is it the case? Because child labor denies children the right to a normal upbringing, a good education, and physical and mental health. Although it is banned in certain nations, it is still far from being abolished. As a result of this, child labor has a detrimental impact on children.      The negative effect of child labor on youngsters make it simpler for them to develop health problems. Our health is our riches in life, yet many child laborers, obtaining mone

My Favourite Movie!


My definition of a successful school year.

  Every student dreamed of a successful school year. Despite that, I strongly believe that they also have their own perspective about a successful school year. In my opinion, a successful school year is when I am surrounded with loving and caring people. Some students frequently need several attentions and support from people that they trusted and they respected. It is because they believe that having some attention and support will help them to overcome their tribulations and stress very well. Sometimes, their problem is just not coming from the school, it also can exist from the home. Thus, surrounding myself with loving and supportive people is my happy pill. On the other hand, for me when I fortunately created the best moments in school is a successful school year. Overcoming the tribulations with one batch, actively participating in co-curricular and helping the school community are the impressive moments that I desired. Those moments will make me feel eager to acquaint myself wit

#6 The importance of time management

     E ffective time management among students brings a lot of satisfaction, because those satisfactions would make them successful. The trouble with organizing time among students is they do not have any strategies or planning to arrange their schedule for a day. In reality, they are too focused on playing with their gadgets and over-sleeping that undoubtedly brings them into ruination. Some studies have shown that, when humans are working with the times wisely, they will preserve their health from damages like anxiety and depression. What are the distinctions between ordinary students and disabled students, but the disabled students were more structured in systemizing their times? A student's time management plays a dominant role in determining the goals accomplished. Improving their self-discipline and relieving stress besides aiding students personal relationships.      Improving self-discipline is one of the crucial parts in managing time. Adhering to the school rules is a tou

#5 My sharing about my exam preparation

I had share my tips. Hope it will benefit you guys.  

#4 What's in my mind?

 #ENGLISHTASK    The question is what is something that has been on your mind a lot lately? Since two and three days backwards, I think I don’t have something that has been on my mind a lot lately. I think having a smile and staying positive aids my life to be better from yesterday. Even though my generation has been tested to face this pandemic Covid-19 situation, I think every single thing that Allah managed, always has a silver lining. I am so grateful to be one of the people who are experiencing this circle. Enjoying the new norm in our life like following every single SOP that has been organized by the government made me more cautious.   Other than that, I always wish I will be one of the fortunate ones in this world. My family is one of the keys also for myself to keep motivated and more patient in this pandemic problem. When I saw other people suffer- lost jobs, having many kids, and a small house made myself feel more luckier. I hope Allah will grant all my wishes to help other

#3 The importance of having goals

     Having goals in life is one of the traits of successful people. Majority of the people who are successful like businessmen, entrepreneurs or doctors will say that one of their successful criteria is having goals. People who think that having goals will make them feel unmotivated and down are not true. This is because by setting goals; providing direction; help maintaining motivation; increasing productivity.           First and foremost, it is important to set goals because it provides directions. Great goals aid people to empower their directions. Even though you just take baby steps and fix the already goals, actually it can set some powerful and life changing directions. Without direction, there is no momentum. A career like a teacher requires the clarification of directions in teaching. Before they commence  their class session everyday, they may set up the  preparations like determining the topics that will be learned, the activities that will be held and so on. It helps the

#2 It's goal

#oneofmygoal #englishtask✅ #everyonedeservetohaveagoal

#1 What I look like?

#ENGLISHTASK The question is 3 adjectives that describe me: outgoing, calm and gleeful Outgoing I am easy to intro and develop a good rapport with everyone as long as they are sincere in getting to know me. I would never choose age and position as a barrier for me to build up a new bone. I certainly believe that every religion encourages everyone to know each other.  For instance, in school I am easy to get to know teachers and students. Meanwhile in my residents area I am a good socializer with community surroundings.  Calm Some people obviously will look miserable when they are facing challenges. Compared to myself, If I have any problems , I will solve it with relaxful and carefully. It is because I will be scared if the problem that exists will become tremendous. Calmful is one of the way for me to expose myself more mature in front of others. I don't want people measured me as a childish Gleeful I strongly believe that, if we always feel disappointed, furious and revengeful, I

# Don't forget to follow

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!👀 Welcome to all visitors who are catching up with my blog. Before that don’t forget to click follow in my blog. I'm a new blogger. Hope you can comment down below to teach me a lot things in organizing this blog. May Allah make this day and forever a beautiful day for  us! InshaAllah.